Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Fallen Angel

Sigh... I thought I can hold until Friday to MC but then too bad.. I have to take it today. It started with a nose block on Sunday evening and drag to Monday. Condition is not as bad, but the some discomfort of the throat. Yesterday, I am still working, but then throat condition is getting worst. By end of the day, I was half blurred and I was stucked in the jam for 2 hours. By the time I reached home, I was tired and body aching all over. So, I have to go see doctor.

Doctor said fever is coming. I slept at 9.30 yesterday night and I can feel that my body like burining up. Today morning, fever is gone, throat still a bit discomfort. Thought I can do some reading but.. NO. After lunch, I took my medicine again. Not sure it was the medicine or it is me who is sick.. I blurred and slept again. Now that I have taken dinner and another round of medicine.. I still a bit blur. Sigh... that is why I hate falling sick.

Some more the pills are so damn big in size and when you put it in your mouth and don't don on water fast enough, the bittery taste will linger on your tongue... eeewww....!!! Still better than cough syrups.


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