Friday, March 16, 2007

What do you call a 'male dog'?

I am having trouble sleeping soundly this week. It is all because of this stray bitch (female dog) in the car park at the place I am living now. At first there was only this bitch with this other dog. Later, it turns into a pack of dogs with all of them being males hovering over this female. As in the animal rules of life, to mate with the female, the male have to fight with each other. The champion gets the prize. And this create barks in the middle of the night when everybody is sound asleep. Municipal council have once tried to catch but to no avail and now they are coming back!

Waking up this morning, I start to think.. it all started with that bitch, otherwise all those 'male dogs' will not be here. Oh my gosh...! What do you call a 'male dog'? I start to think....and I can't get to it. I start to ask around.

Piggy: Female dog is bitch....
Me: I know .. what about 'male dog' ?
Tapir: I thought it is called dog.. (she is sms-ing super chu chai for answer)

Super chu chai: It is inu...... (Inu is dog in Japanese.. what the ...?)

Jordan: Called butch.
What the heck? It is not a trick question I am serious.
Jordan: A stud I think.... (stud is not for horse meh?)

Finally, to kill the question in my mind.... googled. It is DOG!


Blogger zumruduanka said...

sufism: Come, come again, whatever you are.. mevlana, turkey
Come, Come again ! Whatever you are... Whether you are infidel, idolater or fireworshipper. Whether you have broken your vows of repentance a hundred times This is not the gate of despair, This is the gate of hope. Come, come again... Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body or soul. Mevlana Jelauddin RUMI

March 16, 2007 at 10:51 PM  
Blogger Carl said...

A male dog is only referred to as "dog" or male dog if you want to be scientific about it. Alfa-male is used to describe the pack leader, or the dog with whom the bitches procreate.

March 21, 2009 at 12:54 AM  

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