Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Driving without road tax

Yesterday, I finally send my car for a car wash. 3 months since its last bath. CNY is near, so better give it a nice little bubble shower so that it won't look so ugly and dirty. Hahahaha.. my car was covered with dried leaves and branches.. not to mention dirt and dust. Well... well..... I went with Nic, my bro's friend (younger than me). After watching the people washing my car, me and Nic chat a little and brought the topic about road tax. Suddenly it come across my mind.. when should I renew my road tax?

Pig_angel: I think my road tax expired!

Nic: o_O what?? Don't joke! (Quickly got up from the chair and walked over to have a clear look). Oh my GOD!!! It is expired since Dec 21st 2005!!! How come you don't know it is expired!

Pig_angel: (very sheepishly)....month end, busy with production so, I forgotten.

Nic: Oh my goodness! You are almost a month late!

Pig_angel: Boy, I was lucky not being caught! I am still driving it around today.... how ah now??

Nic went speechless....Pig_angel no choice but do leave the car at home until the road tax is renew. Telling some friends and family about the incident, below are some of the feed backs.

Beloved cousin, Blurr_monkey : Champion lor you!
Colleague in office :
Aiyoo.. you better go see psychiatrist (o_O)
Sei lo you..... lucky did not get caught
Maybe is the age.... (argghhhh... )
o_O.. -_-"...

Expected reaction from brother: What?? You have been driving around without road tax!!!! (lucky he don't know.... shhhhhh)


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