Thursday, January 27, 2005

Salary day... yipee!!!

Yes, salary day. Funny not as excited as use to be....possibly felt that the amount is too small to be excited (wah sai pig_angel!Too much... hahahaha). Anyway, lots of bills and things to clear, sigh, responsibility of grown ups, everything is money and funny people say money isn't everything. Weird isn't it? What kind of theory is that and who the hell comes out with that. Anyway, I still owed my beloved a meal. Hopefully will get it settle by next week, don't hope to drag till next year.
Surprise, surprise.... early sms from baby hippo.
After being mangkuk, he knows how to sms me back, ahahahaha....weird and surprise too, to get his sms early morning just to say morning. And then also to tell that he is going home. This feels like reporting...sigh... guess I am being too harsh on him. So funny and weird. Maybe should treat him better. See how la, see how la.


Blogger Little P (oo) said...

wow....reporting ah....he doesn't even do that to his wife.....sigh~~ guess now, 2lai got more priority

but yeah he bullies the wife so....wife give full support to 2lai to continue to rag him.... yeah ha ha ha ha

maybe the wife should also insist a morning and evening sms too ( tht will drive him crazy).....wah HA HA HA

January 28, 2005 at 7:43 PM  

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